How ToWindows

How to Quickly Reset File History in Windows 11

The history feature in Windows PCs helps to save copies of files stored on the Desktop, Documents, Favorites, Pictures, Videos, Saved Games, Downloads, Music, and other locations to a network location or an external drive on your Windows computers. There are two ways to Quickly Reset File History in Windows 11. So keep reading this article till the end to learn How to Quickly Reset File History in Windows 11.

You can also restore the feature for personal files on your computer to be saved. Using the Control panel and CMD app we will Reset File History in Windows 11. When your File history is turned off then you cannot save your personal files on your computer. When you delete your file history then your device clears up its space and your computer works very smoothly.

Method 1. Use the Control Panel to Reset File History

1. Turn on your Windows 11 computer and then open the Start menu and search Control Panel and open it.

Quickly Reset File History in Windows 11
Open the Control Panel

2. Select the Category from the View by and click on System and Security.

Quickly Reset File History in Windows 11
Click on the System and Security

3. Click on File History.

Quickly Reset File History in Windows 11
Click on the File History

4. Now, Click on Turn off to disable the feature.

5. Press WINDOWS + E to open the File Explorer app.

5. Click on the View option and click on Show and then select Hidden items.

Quickly Reset File History in Windows 11
Click on the Hidden items

6. Go to the following location and then note that File History targets external storage, so ensure you insert your flash drive earlier:%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\File History

7. Select all items in the folder and click on the DEL key.

8. As another option you can rename the Configuration file to Configuration and you old, and your File History will be reset.

Method 2. Use the Command Prompt

1. Open the Start menu and then search CMD in the search bar, and click on Run as administrator.

Quickly Reset File History in Windows 11
Click on Run as administrator

2. Copy and paste the following command and then press Enter.

if exist "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\FileHistory" RD /S /Q "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\FileHistory"

Bottom line:

In this article, we showed you How to Quickly Reset File History in Windows 11. There are all about How to Quickly Reset File History in Windows 11. Step by step we will show you to Quickly Reset File History in Windows 11. So I hope you have got your solution to your problem. If you had any kind of questions or suggestions then do tell us in the comment section.

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